FFFB · Ama Gloria

FFFB · Ama Gloria

84 Min. | FR | 2022

Sprache: OmeU | Originalsprache: French

Regie: Marie Amachoukeli

Besetzung: Arnaud Rebotini, Louise Mauroy-Panzani, Ilça Moreno

Six year old Cléo loves her nanny Gloria more than anything. When Gloria must suddenly return to Cape Verde to care for her own children, Cléo makes her promise that they will see each other very soon. Gloria invites Cléo to her island and the two must make the most of their last summer together.


Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin 2023 October 4 – 8

OmU = Originalversion mit Untertiteln
OV = Originalversion ohne Untertitel
OmeU = Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln
DF = deutschsprachige Fassung