FFFB · In Case You’re Still Around
FFFB · In Case You’re Still Around
75 Min. | US | 2022
Sprache: OmeU | Originalsprache: Hebrew, Russian
Regie: Dasha Bough
Not everyone has time to die, Yaeli had.
That time she used to dive headfirst into the depths of the soul, and take a long clear look at life and parting from it. She bequeathed this sober look to Mia and Rani, her daughter and her partner, who continue their lives after her.
+ Short Film: Now I Am Old and Do Not Need the Moon
Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin 2023 October 4 – 8
OmU = Originalversion mit Untertiteln
OV = Originalversion ohne Untertitel
OmeU = Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln
DF = deutschsprachige Fassung