Taiwan Film Festival: Fish Memories

Taiwan Film Festival: Fish Memories

117 Min. | TW | 2023

Sprache: OmeU | Originalsprache: Mandarin

Regie: CHEN Hung I

Zi-jie is about to turn 50. On the eve of his birthday, he stops by and picks up a package at a convenience store on his way home. Unexpectedly, the juvenile store clerk serving him, Sean, says softly in his ear: “We share the same birthday!” It is fate that brings two of them together with Zhen, Sean’s girlfriend. The ambiguous relationships gradually grow among them.

Yet, in the wake of a sudden murder, they become interdependent; they cannot live without one another. However, Sean and Zhen abruptly disappear for no reason, while Zi-jie starts noticing and finding out a suspicious, tricky deception by Sean, unveiling a story scattered like a goldfish’s memory about “Love” and “Freedom”,“Loss” and “Revenge”.

2023 Golden Horse Awards – Best Cinematography

2021 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion



Alle Vorstellungen dieses Films

OmU = Originalversion mit Untertiteln
OV = Originalversion ohne Untertitel
OmeU = Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln
DF = deutschsprachige Fassung