Taiwan Film Festival: Snow in Midsummer

Taiwan Film Festival: Snow in Midsummer

Originaltitel: Snow in Midsummer

116 Min. | MY, SG, TW | 2023

Sprache: OmeU | Originalsprache: Malay, Mandarin

Regie: CHONG Keat Aun

★ 2023 Golden Horse Awards – Best Sound Effects; Nominations for Best Narrative
Feature, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best
Cinematography, Best Makeup & Costume Design, Best Original Film Score, Best
Original Film Song

★ 2023 Venice Film Festival – Cinema & Arts Award Special Mention; Venice Days

★ 2020 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion – CNC Cash Award

Director CHONG Keat-aun spent 14 years collecting the oral history of the May 13 Incident and turned them into a film, retrospectively exploring the almost-forgotten elegy in Malaysian history.

On May 13, 1969, Su-mei and her daughter Ah-eng watched Cantonese opera at the Chinese
Temple in Kuala Lumpur, while her husband Ah-kooi and son Ah-yeow were at Majestic
Theater. Unexpectedly, a violent riot broke out, and Su-mei’s husband and son were killed as they tried to escape the theatre.
In a panic, Su-mei and her daughter sought shelter behind the opera stage for the whole night.
The Prime Minister declared a state of emergency and imposed martial law. Su-mei’s husband and son’s bodies disappeared after the riot. Forty-nine years later, in 2018, Ah-eng discovered a news article about a nearly demolished cemetery called “513.
” Ah-eng sought to track down her father and brother’s burial location to fulfill her mother’s last wish.


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OmU = Originalversion mit Untertiteln
OV = Originalversion ohne Untertitel
OmeU = Originalversion mit englischen Untertiteln
DF = deutschsprachige Fassung