NewGen Film Festival: Carefree Days

122 Min. | CN | 2023

Language: OmeU | Original language: Mandarin Chinese

Director: Liang Ming

Xu Lingling, a quintessential Northeastern girl who longs for love and family, is grappling with uremia. As her life falls apart, she yearns to discover a place that feels like home.

In Northeast China, Shenyang is a decaying city. Xu Lingling is a 25-year-old girl suffering from uremia whose life has collapsed. At the height of her illness, her dissolute father has returned, with her best friend Tan Na and former classmate Zhao Dongyang,to take care of her. Despite her suffering and thanks to family affection, love and friendship, she feels she still deserves to live. One day, Xu Lingling decides to take a trip and hits the road with Tan Na and Zhao Dongyang.

All screenings of this movie

OmU = Original version with German subtitles
OV = Original version without subtitles
OmeU = Original version with English subtitles
DF = in German language