Taiwan Film Festival: Pigsy

Taiwan Film Festival: Pigsy

Original title: Pigsy

94 Min. | TW | 2023

Language: OmeU | Original language: Mandarin

Director: CHIU Li Wei

Pigsy is a street-smart loser who often messes things up. One day, he is chosen to enter the new world, to become a symbol of success. He can finally make grandma proud. Soon after, though, it turns out to be a mistake. Pigsy does not want to be treated as a joke anymore. He makes a secret deal with Bull Demon King.
He stays in Sanzang’s group, and gives the information to Bull Demon King who wants to
achieve eternal life. In exchange for information Bull Demon King promises to show him a secret passage to the new world. As Pigsy completes his tasks, he discovers that Bull Demon King will take many people’s lives in order to achieve immortality.
Even his grandma is in danger. He must do everything in his power to stop this together with his partners. He must save Sanzang, grandma, and everyone else.


2023 Golden Horse Awards – Best Animated Feature; Nomination for Best Action


2017 Golden Horse Film Project Promotion

2017 Asia TV Forum Animation Pitch – First Prize


Pigsy often messes things up. One day, he is chosen to enter the new world, to become a symbol of success. But it turns out to be a mistake. He stays in Sanzang’s group and makes a secret deal with Bull Demon King who promises to let him enter the new world. He discovers Bull Demon King will take people’s lives. He must do everything to stop this.

All screenings of this movie

OmU = Original version with German subtitles
OV = Original version without subtitles
OmeU = Original version with English subtitles
DF = in German language